Parish Information
Location: 37 Ward Street, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068
Office Hours: Mon 9am – 2.30pm | Wed 9am – 3pm | Fri – 9am to 2.30pm
Contact Numbers: Telephone: (07) 3371 7446 | Fax: (07) 38702541
Mass Times:
- Wednesday: Adoration – 5:10pm | Benediction – 5:50pm | Holy Mass – 6:00pm
- Friday: 8:10 am Rosary | Holy Mass – 8:30am
- Saturday: 5:30 pm – Holy Mass
- Sunday: 8:30 am & 6 pm – Holy Mass
Holy Family School: Phone: 3870 9600. Principal: John Robertson.
Brigidine College: Phone: 3870 7225. Principal: Brendan Cahill.
St. Vincent de Paul Help line: (07) 3010 1096 Indooroopilly
Holy Family Prayer Group
People will register when they arrive, contact Terence Chan Ph: 0423 553 432
Friday 08:20 am
Regular meeting groups for parishioners to offer them faith and formation, undertake bible studies and for them to gain a closer relationship with Christ. Now meeting fortnightly on Friday nights at 7:30pm, in the Morgan Howe Centre.
Please contact Trevor Lambkin 0408 643068, for further information.
PRAYER GROUP FOR LADIES with the Focolare Movement spirituality
Contact person Maura 0444509001